[nycphp-talk] MySQL HA + Xen

Nicholas Hart pelhamny at
Sun Aug 18 11:44:46 EDT 2013

Hi guys,

I have several MySQL servers that are mission critical to operations
including an API server that processes incoming Internet orders.  Looking
for the best option for HA.  Currently using Heartbeat with MySQL
replication.  Open Source solutions are preferred -- as I really don't want
to deal with Oracle licensing!

Also, what is the consensus on using a virtual server (Xen) for MySQL?
Thought the excessive I/O would make this a serious problem.  The Xen
server is configured with ZFS SAN and bonded interfaces for 4gb bandwidth.

If you don't have either of the above servers, what are you using to handle
similar issues and how much do you pay if anything?  Outsourcing is an
option but from my experience if there is a problem here, it is impossible
to get anyone on the phone.  Also, to protect against liability, all
outsources make it clear there are no guarantees on up-time.

Many thanks,
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