[nycphp-talk] Programs rights and Lic etc.

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue Feb 5 14:33:37 EST 2013

At the heart of this would be the question --  why do they want to own the
copyright? Is the software something that needs deals with securing their
systems so it needs to be kept secret or has something to do with a
proprietary process to their business? Do they have concerns that you would
do similar work for their competition? Could they have plans to market the
software you create for them? If that is the case, I can see them wanting
to own it.

Sometimes clients have misconceptions about copyright ownership and that it
implies some sort of control over something they may not need control over
at all.

David Roth

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Edgar Reyes <ereyes at>wrote:

>  I have a question that maybe some of you can shed some light or what
> your experience with this might be or how you guys handle it. I was
> contacted by a potential client that wants me to create a custom program
> for him, I said not a problem, my company usually reserves all the rights
> an any an all programs that we create, this particular client want to own
> the rights to the program, I’m a bit hesitant as I like to keep the right
> to programs I create in case I get a client that wants something similar
> and I just need to modify some aspects of it making the development easier
> and if I get a client that ones the exact program then I can sale it to
> them, how do you guys think its the best way to go about doing this?****
> ** **
> ER****
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