[nycphp-talk] Programs rights and Lic etc.

Eugenio Tacchini eugenio.tacchini at
Tue Feb 5 13:17:40 EST 2013

2013/2/5 Edgar Reyes <ereyes at>

>  I have a question that maybe some of you can shed some light or what
> your experience with this might be or how you guys handle it. I was
> contacted by a potential client that wants me to create a custom program
> for him, I said not a problem, my company usually reserves all the rights
> an any an all programs that we create, this particular client want to own
> the rights to the program, I’m a bit hesitant as I like to keep the right
> to programs I create in case I get a client that wants something similar
> and I just need to modify some aspects of it making the development easier
> and if I get a client that ones the exact program then I can sale it to
> them, how do you guys think its the best way to go about doing this?****
> **

how about sharing the copyright? I'm not sure about legal consequences but
maybe you can further investigate.

Dr. Eugenio Tacchini, Ph.D.

*Freelance Software Analyst and Developer, Milan Area, Italy*

*Lecturer of Information Systems, Catholic University of Piacenza, Italy*

*Researcher in Music Recommender Systems*

*DaDaBIK Database front-end*
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