[nycphp-talk] SOAP caching to file or MySQL?

justin justin at
Tue Jul 16 13:57:30 EDT 2013

This is what Memcache is made for. Just sayin'.


On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 6:19 PM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:

> I'm writing an application in PHP which does a SOAP request. But the
> problem is that the request is slow at times. It ca take 5-6 seconds to get
> a SOAP response sometimes. I've considered caching the data and poll to get
> it. But then I wondered what to do with the data once I get it with respect
> to performance concerns. It's it better to write the 20 records to a file
> or a MySQL TABLE?  I considered MySQL cause it would make the programming
> job easier to use it for retrieval, but that's just my personal
> preference. Or does it make any difference? The final result will be
> displayed on a web page and don't want to keep the short-attention span
> user waiting.
> Or I should just go to the fair today and not worry about it? :-)
> David Roth
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