[nycphp-talk] CentOS v Ubuntu

Ed Prevost consult at
Wed Jun 19 14:08:07 EDT 2013

+1 I now only deploy SuSe images that I've crafted myself ->

On 6/19/2013 10:41 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Nicholas Hart
> <nhart at <mailto:nhart at>> wrote:
>     I am having a debate in our office over whether to continue with
>     CentOS distro for use with our VM based servers (XEN) or switch to
>     Ubuntu.  I have kept the belief that RedHat is better for servers
>     while Ubuntu is preferred on the desktop.  I even have an Ubuntu
>     desktop PC.  Just wondered what all of you think or recommend. 
>     Thanks.
>     Best,
>     Nick
> I prefer a distribution that is as stripped down as possible, so that
> I add only the things that need to be there. Any distro that installs
> an X server by default is out.
> But really, choice of distro is a personal preference, like choice of
> text editor. They all do the same thing, but in subtly different ways.
> Go with what the sysadmins will be happiest working on.
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