[nycphp-talk] GIT! (was: CentOS v Ubuntu)

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Sat Jun 22 12:50:56 EDT 2013

How about OOP vs Procedural coding?


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 22, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Hans Z <zaunere at> wrote:

>> I agree with Hans.  
> :)
>> I've never wanted to be one of those people who over the years refused to adapt to something new. But the reality is that it has to really be an improvement, not just new to justify the change.
> And actually, this brings up a great topic for mailing list discussion, and future meetings...
> There's always new technology on the web and some of it certainly could be considered wonderful, and some simply hype... of course, this pattern in technology (or anything really) is nothing new.
> What if we compiled a list, added the pros/cons of each, and debated it out panel style at a meeting?
> I'll happily seed the list: )
> git / github
> LESS/etc (compiled CSS)
> jQuery
> Bootstrap (CSS frameworks)
> noSQL
> Cloud servers
> RoR
> nodeJS
> Cloud development (online code editors/etc)
> What am I forgetting? Oh right...
> Responsive design :)
> H
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