[nycphp-talk] Thanks!..MVC

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Sat Jun 22 18:47:46 EDT 2013

Well, MVC was described by the Gang of Four in 1994 before the CLR was
written, and you could do MVC with Smarty templates since the .NET 1.1 days
(to lazy to google exact dates but I was using smarty before .NET 2.0 was

That being said, I've never used any PHP frameworks besides Smarty. I've
done MVCish coding with Smarty in two ways. 1) I've used a PHP data access
layer using PearDB or MDB2 or sometthing similar as a Data access layer and
2). I've used a SOA architecture in which I used the PHP soap driver to
call services written in .NET. The advantage of that was the .NET services
were WCF, which meant I could have SOAP, and JSON bindings from the same
service by editing some XML. That allowed me to call the same service from
PHP as well as javascript so I could load a page on the server, and reload
its contents with an ajax call.


On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Nicholas Hart <pelhamny at> wrote:

> I just want to thank everyone who responded to my CentOS v Ubuntu
> question.  In case you're wondering, we did stay with CentOS which I feel
> is the right choice at this time especially since we are migrating to VMs
> on Xen server which is enough change already.
> MVC:
> My .Net colleague and I were wondering if/when MVC programming is going to
> take over the world.  Anyone using it yet in PHP and do you see it as the
> future path for all programming?
> Best,
> Nick
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