[nycphp-talk] Thanks!..MVC

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Sat Jun 22 18:50:12 EDT 2013

Sorry for the double post, but tangentially related, someone write a View
Engine for ASP.NET MVC that uses smarty templates called Sharpy. I never tried it, but if you are heavily
invested in Smarty but want to try ASP.NET MVC its somethingg to keep in


On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Justin Dearing <zippy1981 at> wrote:

> Well, MVC was described by the Gang of Four in 1994 before the CLR was
> written, and you could do MVC with Smarty templates since the .NET 1.1 days
> (to lazy to google exact dates but I was using smarty before .NET 2.0 was
> released).
> That being said, I've never used any PHP frameworks besides Smarty. I've
> done MVCish coding with Smarty in two ways. 1) I've used a PHP data access
> layer using PearDB or MDB2 or sometthing similar as a Data access layer and
> 2). I've used a SOA architecture in which I used the PHP soap driver to
> call services written in .NET. The advantage of that was the .NET services
> were WCF, which meant I could have SOAP, and JSON bindings from the same
> service by editing some XML. That allowed me to call the same service from
> PHP as well as javascript so I could load a page on the server, and reload
> its contents with an ajax call.
> Justin
> On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Nicholas Hart <pelhamny at> wrote:
>> I just want to thank everyone who responded to my CentOS v Ubuntu
>> question.  In case you're wondering, we did stay with CentOS which I feel
>> is the right choice at this time especially since we are migrating to VMs
>> on Xen server which is enough change already.
>> MVC:
>> My .Net colleague and I were wondering if/when MVC programming is going
>> to take over the world.  Anyone using it yet in PHP and do you see it as
>> the future path for all programming?
>> Best,
>> Nick
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