[nycphp-talk] GIT! (was: CentOS v Ubuntu)

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sun Jun 23 10:19:43 EDT 2013


On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 10:27:15AM -0400, Hans Z wrote:
> Sorry, I see it as hype... after all, all source control is distributed :)

Trust me, I'm one who looks askance at the trendy, the hyped and the
unnecessary.  Case in point: I don't have a mobile phone.

> Hmm, and how is this different from svn?  Inherit in source/version control
> is the word "control" - why do I need X number of developers sporting their
> own pseudo-repository that ends having to get merged back centrally anyway?

Because each of those developers can work locally.  Gradually making
small commits that make changes easy to follow.  They can use "stash" to
create save points that store uncommitted mods and bring the checkout to
a clean state.  Editing commits to clarify or fix things.  Creating and
destroying light-weight local branches at will if that makes things
easier.  Specific commits can be easily "cherry-pick"'ed between
branches.  The "reflog" command can be called to find history of
internal repository handling and that information used to fix major
botches.  Then, when you're content with the mods, you push them up.

Hans, have you used Git for a project?  It sounds like you haven't.  Or
you're trolling me.  :)

> But otherwise, for a general web development shop's projects, git is
> nothing more than extra commands to run, more conflicts, more complexity,
> and dealing with bugs that have been sorted out years ago (line endings and
> content types! git, seriously?)

More conflicts?  Not really.  Line endings?  There are settings for
that.  I've seen problems with that in SVN too.  Haven't run into
problems with it in Git.

> The sadness of going back to SVN inspired me to make this package:
> >
> >
> I think this proves my point :)

Huh?  That's a bash script that I have to call manually on my local
repository after I update, checkout or commit from/to SVN.

Compare that to my git hooks of the same ilk that automatically get
added to all my repositories from my templates upon clone or init that
then get automatically run whenever I take an action that modifies the
local repo.

It's night and day.

> Sorry, but the emperor has no clothes,

Hans, have you checked in the mirror? :)

See you,


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