[nycphp-talk] PHP is not just for professionals

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Fri May 23 13:07:03 EDT 2014

The subject line is hilarious, considering how many years it took to get
PHP accepted as an enterprise-ready language. If it even is...

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> It allows for a gentle learning curve, where you can go from little bits
> of PHP to a complex set of conditions and actions on a single PHP page, and
> then on to seperating code out into libraries of common functions but still
> single pages, and finally to frameworks and obtuse programs such as
> =====
> <?php
> $app = Factory::getApplication();
> $app->execute();
> ======
I love it. As if any single request would require multiple Application
instances. But hey, you never know... Whenever I see complex patterns like
this, I think "disgruntled Java coder."

Frameworks help a lot, but the reason they are so helpful is also the
reason why they tend to have a big learning curve: web development involves
a LOT of suck. And by the time you abstract most of that suck away into the
bowels of your framework, it has grown into a crazy beast of a thing that
only you and your fellow devs (if you're lucky) fully understand.

On the other hand, a sufficiently evolved framework can build anything,
quickly. I'd rather not break my head on someone else's horrible attempt at
MVC when I can just rebuild the site in my own horrible (but familiar!)
attempt at MVC and move on.

Controllers come and go, only the data lives forever.
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