php meetup

PHP Security and Static Code Analysis with Armorize CodeSecure

PHP Online Presentation

November 16th, 2006

New York PHP is pleased to provide another online presentation, this time from Armorize on their CodeSecure solution. Get a leg up on PHP security and join Armorize's leaders in this WebEx presentation.

Source Code Analysis for PHP

Introducing a revolutionary new ideology for securing Web-applications. Armorize CodeSecure!

Armorize Technologies has developed a new process for verifying the security of Web-application source code. The premier product, CodeSecure, developed specifically for PHP, represents a powerful tool for identifying and fixing vulnerabilities in custom developed PHP applications. The simple, easy-to-use Web-interface tool promises to cut down the hassles of ensuring application security by allowing developers to integrate code verification directly into the earliest stage of the Software Development LifeCycle.

Join Armorize CEO, Wayne, COO, Matt, Chief Architect, Chris, and other security veterans in the Armorize team for an in-depth discussion of this cutting-edge technology and the promise it holds for the future of Web-application security.

From an in-depth explanation of how it works, to an illustration of how you can use it, to an overview of how we plan to deliver it and a live demonstration of the technology itself. This presentation promises to change the way you think about PHP security, and consequently change your perspective on the limits of PHP, opening many new doors and illuminating many new paths into the future.


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