php meetup

The Andromeda PHP MVC Framework

Model-View-Controller, PostgreSQL Databases and the CMS

October 24th, 2006

The world of PHP frameworks and Content Management Systems (CMS) is a vibrant area of development, with new and evolving projects making news every day. In recent meetings we've had a number of PHP framework and CMS presentations, including Joomla! with Mitch Pirtle and CakePHP with Nate Abele. This month, we'll continue our review of this industry hotspot with project lead Kenneth Downs presenting The Andromeda Framework at the October New York PHP General Meeting.

Andromeda is a GPL'd software automation tool primarily targeted for complex line-of-business database applications, but also has been used for smaller scale data-driven websites. Its primary design goal is to store business rules as data instead of code, and to eliminate code rather than to manage the coding process. Andromeda is written entirely in PHP, runs on Linux, and targets the PostgreSQL database.

Kenneth Downs began programming professionally in 1992. His first project was a Vax/VMS based accounting and manufacturing system. He worked from 1995-2004 in the Foxpro world, first doing LAN apps and then Client/Server, working from small 5-user systems to being system architect on an ERP system with deployments of hundreds of users. He founded Secure Data Software July 1, 2004 to develop and use the "Andromeda" project, a database-centric open-source development framework and toolset.

Thanks to IBM for providing a great presentation space with seating for plenty.

As a service to our community, New York PHP UG meetings are always free and open to the public.


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