php meetup

Introduction to Databases for PHP Programmers

MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle for PHP Developers

May 22nd, 2007

This May, New York PHP takes a look at a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of web development. The database is the heart of any system, but it often gets-no-respect by application developers. Join Kenneth Downs as he leads us through the important database concepts for a successful system.

Databases work on principles that are different from programs. Best programming practices, when applied to databases, will produce bad results, and vice versa. In this talk we will look at how databases differ from code (the so-called "impedance mismatch" between code and data), see a brief introduction to normalization, find out what "ACID compliant" means, and see some triggers and stored procedures.

Thanks to IBM for providing a great presentation space with seating for plenty.

As a service to our community, New York PHP community meetings are always free and open to the public.


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