php meetup

Building Data Centric PHP Web Applications with Little Code and ORM, MVC and Ajax

PHPOpenbiz Online Framework Presentation

May 24th, 2007

New York PHP is pleased to provide another online presentation, this time from PHPOpenBiz. Learn how to quickly build data centric web applications with minimal manual coding by using the PHPOpenBiz framework.

Building Data Centric Web Applications with Little Code
Want to build a data centric business application without dirty code? Want to have a rich client interface for your applications? PHPOpenBiz (OpenBiz) is the solution! PHPOpenBiz is a PHP-based business application framework featured with:

  • Metadata-driven design principal. Developers declare business logic as metadata (zero-coding)

  • Model-View-Controller

  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

  • AJAX browser client

  • Eclipse integrated authoring tool

The goal of PHPOpenBiz is to speed up development of business applications by providing standard development structures that allow producing database driven web interfaces in less or no time. PHPOpenBiz can minimize application supportability & maximize application upgradeability by: providing centralized & complete application framework, minimizing application coding requirements and clear separation of technology from business. PHPOpenbiz is the first application framework that brings metadata-driven concept from successful commercial products to the open source world.

Rocky Swen has been playing as an architect role for PHPOpenbiz for more than 3 years. He is not only making big contribution of the design and coding of the framework, but also helping PHPOpenbiz community to learn and develop their own PHPOpenbiz based applications.



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