php meetup

RIA Applications with and PHP and Adobe

Rich Internet Applications with WPF, Flash, Flex, Ajax and PHP

June 28th, 2007

Summer 2007 is finally here, and with it comes the web's sunny future. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) have experienced several technical iterations over the years, but finally appear to be sticking as the next generation application platform. This June, New York PHP is pleased to have Justin Girard speak to the Ajax, Flash, Flex, XUL, WPF - and PHP - relationship.

NOTE: This meeting is not on the 4th Tuesday. It occurs Thursday, June 28th at our usual IBM meeting location.

Justin will present what developers are doing to design rich Internet applications for the Web that combine the best of traditional graphical user interface applications with the wide reach of Web-based access.

He will discuss how seamlessly rich client technologies like Ajax, Flash, Flex, XUL and WPF can work together with minimal recoding, eliminating the need to re-start projects from scratch. He will show examples of PHP and non-PHP based applications with a variety of front ends. He will also provide links to a number of PHP projects that can help speed PHP RIA development.

Thanks to IBM for providing a great presentation space with seating for plenty.

As a service to our community, New York PHP UG meetings are always free and open to the public.


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