php meetup

Hacking PHP for Fun and Profit

PHP Internals and the C behind your PHP

May 25th, 2010

It's May and we're pleased to spring into summer with LIPHP president and PHP hacker Justin Dearing, to show us that there's more to PHP than first meets the eye.

Most people in NYPHP can write in PHP. After all we are a PHP user group. However, have you ever wanted to be one of the few and the proud that actually help to write PHP itself. Justin Dearing will take you on a journey from submitting a bug, to writing a test to prove the bug exists, to fixing the bug on your machine. Finally he will show you how to submit that bug fix to be considered for addition to PHP itself.

While hacking on the PHP core codebase requires a working knowledge of C, non C programmers will benefit from learning how to write formal PHP tests, and submit proper bugs.

Justin Dearing started his IT career in December of 2002 as the third shift iSeries operator at InVision, now MindShift. Since then he has held a variety of positions, and shifted from the operations to the development side of the house. He is a PHP5 certified engineer.

Justin runs the Long Island PHP User Group.

Justin blogs about programming on and his twitter updates can be followed from


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