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BOF #3: Fundamentals of Hosting

What You Need to Know about Managed Services, Colocation, Dedicated Servers and Other Mission-Critical Data Services

May 10th, 2010

Bootup Open Forum (BOF) sessions deliver key technical concepts and insights from leading subject matter experts. BOFs cover fundamental to advanced topics, and we invite companies, communities and experts to contact us to lead their own session.  » learn more

Held in conjunction with New York Internet, and lead by VP of Operations Phillip Koblence, BOF #3: Fundamentals of Hosting will introduce the vital concepts and important differences between web and data hosting available today.

Attendees will learn the differences between the various types of mission-critical data services available on the market today, from basic web and email hosting to dedicated servers, virtual private servers, and co-location, along with more advanced services for disaster recovery/business continuity planning (DR/BCP). Attendees will also learn what issues to consider in creating solutions that best suit their company's needs and what to avoid in selecting a data services partner.

We're pleased to hold this BOF with partner company NYI, and thank them for sponsoring free soda and pizza.

NYI is a mission-critical provider crafting customized solutions for companies in technology, finance, media, law, fashion, and beyond since 1996.

These are interactive events, and attendees are encouraged to ask relevant questions and utilize their own laptop during the session. Laptops, however, are not required.

BOFs are free and open to the public, however seats are limited - RSVP is required.

Special thanks to Hive at 55 for providing a great space with free wireless internet access.


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