[nycphp-announce] next at nyphp: December General Meeting, Hello '04

New York PHP contact at
Mon Dec 22 06:52:31 EST 2003

December Meeting Program

It's been another great year for New York PHP and the PHP community, and there's no better way to look towards a new year than with highlighting sites from our community.

At this month's General Meeting, we take a look at another three PHP driven sites from the NYPHP community. Each developer highlights the interesting points in development, challenges they've faced, and how they made it happen with PHP.  Join us for:


See for complete details about each site, directions and time.  As always this meeting is free and open to the public - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at

Hello '04

Another new year is close, and New York PHP would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members and supporters in 2003.  It's been a great year for NYPHP and we're looking forward to many more.  2004 will see the release of PHP 5 and strong development efforts both locally and internationally.

New York PHP looks forward to continuing work with members and the community in 2004.  Help us support AMP Technology in New York and around the world.

Happy Holidays,

New York PHP

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