[mambo] Re: Comparison Help Needed

Edward J. Weinberg nylug at
Thu Apr 28 18:57:56 EDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 11:05 -0500, Graham Spice wrote:
> Tom - that was an excellent post. I really appreciated your reply. I
> wish that more people would see the value in using popular OS software
> and hiring a guru consultant to get it working well for the
> application and educate them on how to use it.
> Awards that Mambo has recently won:
>       * Best of Show - LinuxWorld Conference & Expo (Feb 2005)
>       * Best Open Source Solution - LinuxWorld Conference & Expo (Feb
>         2005)
>       * Best Linux or Open Source Software - LinuxUser & Developer
>         Magazine (Apr 2004)
> Recent Mambo Award Nominations:
>       * Best Free Software Project - Linux Format Awards (2004)
> Mambo has been downloaded over 2 million times!

This is not a troll.
I have been wondering why.
The were the only out of the box CMS at those LinuxWorlds.

I have tried a few cms projects, and prefer Drupal and Geeklaw.  
The biggest things that bothers me about Mambo are the browser
compatibility issues.

These issues include lockup of the admin pages when using Mozilla or
Firefox, and compatibility of their editor with Opera and the Mac

Since I am in Linux most of the time, I need a CMS that works with

Edward J. Weinberg <nylug at>

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