[mambo] Re: Comparison Help Needed

Edward J. Weinberg nylug at
Sat Apr 30 11:26:28 EDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 19:34 -0400, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On 4/28/05, Edward J. Weinberg <nylug at> wrote:
> > 
> > I have been wondering why.
> > The were the only out of the box CMS at those LinuxWorlds.
> The Zope Corporation was in Boston with us, so there were two FOSS CMS
> there. Also I know there were some commercial ones, but I don't pay
> much attention to them anymore for some reason ;-)
I don't put them in the same category as the other cms projects I
mentioned.  They require much more work to make a real system out of the

I looked at Plome.  A few years ago Plome had a bunch of requirements
that made it difficult to install.

> > The biggest things that bothers me about Mambo are the browser
> > compatibility issues.
> > 

> I am an exclusive Firefox user, on both Windows and Linux, and we also
> have developers that work on the Mac platform dedicated. I'd love to
> hear your exact problems, in a way that I know I can reproduce them,
> as I guarantee that they will get fixed by the next release.
> Really, honestly, if you can prove there is a compatibility issue, and
> give us instructions on how to reproduce, we will fix it.
I don't have experience with the incompatibility myself, but there are
users complaining in this list almost weekly that the Mambo admin screen
is locking up under Mozilla.  If I am mistaken, please accept my

Again it is only what I read, but is there a problem with different
browsers and the edit used by Mambo?

Edward J. Weinberg <nylug at>

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