[mambo] Re: Comparison Help Needed

leam at leam at
Sat Apr 30 12:45:27 EDT 2005

On Sat, Apr 30, 2005 at 11:26:28AM -0400, Edward J. Weinberg wrote:

> I don't have experience with the incompatibility myself, but there are
> users complaining in this list almost weekly that the Mambo admin screen
> is locking up under Mozilla.  If I am mistaken, please accept my
> apology.
> Again it is only what I read, but is there a problem with different
> browsers and the edit used by Mambo?
> -- 
> Edward J. Weinberg <nylug at>

I do but I'm not sure where the incompatibility it and what is causing it. The two things I've hit are some editor issues on Mac OS X which I believe are elimininated by not using one of the editors, and the admin interface hanging which I've not yet resolved.

I think it is less "users complaining almost weekly" and more "one user whining incessantly". ;) I've been meaning to track down exactly what the issues are life and job-hunting have gotten in the way.



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