AW: [mambo] wait for mambo 5?!

Ryan Ozimek cozimek at
Thu Jun 2 11:54:48 EDT 2005

Hey Mitch, et al,

Looking for feedback on PHP5 eh?  Well, I'll tell you, a lot of the
integrations we do are with servers chugging along nicely with php 4.3.10.
I don't think they're going to be changing anytime soon, and I'd hate to
lose potential users because 5.0 will require php5.  However, I know that at
some point we're going to need to get with it.  What are the real
requirements for the community to move to PHP 5?  What would it offer to us
that we're really confident that Mambo 5.0 will require to move us forward?

As for the granular user management, that is really really the big key for
us.  Our clients are constantly asking for more granular control as to who
can edit exactly what content pages, components, etc.  If this will require
PHP5 to fully implement it, then we're all for it!


-----Original Message-----
From: mambo-bounces at [mailto:mambo-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Mitch Pirtle
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 10:58 AM
To: NYPHP SIG: Mambo
Subject: Re: AW: [mambo] wait for mambo 5?!

On 6/2/05, inforequest <hc1vdt402 at> wrote:
> Hmmm.. I thought I heard from someone over a beer a few months ago 
> that the 5 db backend would be "all new" and if that is true, should 
> be expect an "all new" db interface update for 4.x before the end of 
> the year?

That was the plan, but everybody ran out of patience ;-)

With the implementation of ADOdb done for the impending 4.5.3 release, we
are now free to crank on the new phpGACL implementation (custom user/group
assignments, anyone?). ADOdb was the real bottleneck, as phpGACL was
dependent upon it getting implemented.

IMHO this is the big step, as we are now free to do a lot more now that we
are not tied to a static database implementation (see XMLSchema for
example). 4.5.3 means we can support PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, Sybase,
Firebird and MS SQL with confidence, and also paves the way for the new ACL
stuff to be implemented.

BTW if you look under the hood, we have already snuck in as much ACL stuff
as we can, and now with ADOdb being done we are free to finish that off.
This will most likely result in a 4.6 release.

The ACL and content storage for 5 will be completely different, and there
will most definitely be a data transformation step required to get sites
from 4.x into 5. At the moment we are discussing the possibility that Mambo
5.0 will require PHP 5 as well, and use the goodies introduced in more
recent versions of PHP.

Which brings up a point, imagine January 1st 2006 - would you want to deploy
an application that required PHP 5 at that point in time? I need your
feedback on this, as I view it more as a community decision than an academic

Mitch Pirtle
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