[mambo] Shop again

Chris Hendry chris.hendry at
Fri Mar 11 21:09:19 EST 2005

| Yes, but not if you make darn sure you have BASE set on every 
| page, to keep the links firmly within your domain.
| That 302 redirect hijack thing is so pesky. I have been 
| recommending absolute URLs site wide, *plus* BASE on every 
| page just to make sure nothing is missed.

Well, I was hoping someone (aka Mitch) - might chime in with a solution to
this.  I've looked over the forums on this one before and haven't seen any
true solutions to moving Mambo in and out of SSL.

As I was thinking about it today, a solution would be to make the 'HTTP'
part of the $mosConfig_live_site separate, so it could change
accordingly...I thought of other crazy hacks, like putting the logic in the
config file (which would obviously get overwritten - or maybe putting it
right after the config is included)...

Because, and excuse me, because often my brain does not work well, won't a
BASE of HTTP within SSL give us that nasty MS pop-up and non-secure pages
(ie, no lock)...


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