[mambo] Shop again

inforequest hc1vdt402 at
Sat Mar 12 20:13:31 EST 2005

For what it's worth I will highlight that sometimes we want to send slightly different pages depending on the port of access.  The obvious example is robots.txt, but there are others. Something to keep in mind to limit some assumptions.

Also we should keep in mind what prompted Chris initially... IE's default-ON alert window that gets in the way if anything in  a secure page is not explicitly SSL. That hints at a page-level setting, which also satisfies the above. After all a URL is a view and not necessarily a file, right?

-=john andrews

-----Original Message-----
	"inforequest |nyphp mambo list 022005|" <...>
Sent: Mar 12, 2005 7:52 PM
To: mambo at
Subject: Re: [mambo] Shop again

I don't want to SSLify the entire website, as that would be slow. Chris is integrating a shopping cart, and the admin sections should of course be SSLable, but the rest of the site would suffer unduly under SSL. there appears to be some historical requesting of SSL for the admin side.


-----Original Message-----
	"Mitch Pirtle |nyphp mambo list 022005|" <...>
Sent: Mar 12, 2005 7:32 PM
To: "NYPHP SIG: Mambo" <mambo at>
Subject: Re: [mambo] Shop again

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 22:12:53 -0500, inforequest
<hc1vdt402 at> wrote:
> Well, since
> 1. Mitch is not here

Hold on there, little soldier! I'm here, just attempting to have a weekend ;-)

> and
> 2.  (Chris' code brain when not working) > (my  code brain under any
> conditions)

Egads, we need more beer then.

I am also wondering of the repercussions of SSLifying Mambo, and even
went out and got a shiny new SSL certificate thanks to So
I hope to setup a test server for the core developers so we can all
muck around with it, hopefully in time for the 4.5.3 release. If not
by then, look for any fixes in 4.5.4. This is important enough to
warrant prioritization, IMHO.

-- Mitch
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