[joomla] Re: Joomla questions

forest mars compustretch at
Fri Apr 25 17:21:44 EDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Andrew Markushin <scullion at> wrote:

> Thanks, Mark. The information on my sites is different, only the structure
> is very similar, so if I decide in favor of 3 different installations, I
> would also use 3 separate databases to be more flexible.

But the original question was:

"Now the question is: how do I set three default pages, so that Joomla can
select the correct one depending on the requested URL?"

So either it's going to be separate installs, in which case Joomla *isn't*
going to select the correct one, or if you are doing a single install, then
it seems like you've answered your own question. In any case it sounds like
you are just looking to clone some of your structure and templating.

<obligatory Drupal comment> Of course in Drupal switching between 3
databases on the fly is borderline trivial. :::ducks:::
</close Drupal troll>

Having done single Joomla! installs accessed via multiple front-ends /
domains, I can only say it's quite fun once you've wrapped your brain around
it, and I highly recommend that approach either as a solution, or even just
for the experience of setting it up. You do have to *trick* it a little to
install, but after that it runs flawlessly. I'd also suggest reading up on
MVC (Model-View-Controller) which Joomla mainly conforms to.


Forest Mars
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In practice, they're completely different."

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