[joomla] Joomla 1.7, front page not loading server 500 error but admin works.

David Roth davidalanroth at
Mon Dec 26 17:58:12 EST 2011

I've gotten a template from and while it does install,
their demo version supplied with .sql files doesn't. I never had this
happen with Joomla before. However, I can login as admin and access
everything in the demo version, but the main (front) page won't load
and display. It comes up with a server 500 error which doesn't make
sense to me because I have another installation of Joomla 1.7 running
fine in another directory.

I've not run across this problem before so I thought I would ask here
to see if anyone has some suggestions what might be the cause of this.
Again, as admin I can see all the demo data in there and access
everything there, the site pages just don't work. Thanks!

David Roth

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