[joomla] RocketTheme: use it with moderation

Helvécio da Silva helvecio.rj at
Wed Feb 23 08:18:39 EST 2011

Actually, it's not a missing module issue. No extra module is
necessary to achieve what their demo site shows. It's a bad a approach
to a situation that could had been solved with some CSS formatting. It
misleads us who download it, that we'll have the basics with a twist.
Actually, it is a tweak! LOL

2011/2/22 Dan Horning <dan.horning at>:
> with a number of the modules they used they can't bundle them - there is a list to download other tools - and that's not a fault of RT...
> there are a whole bunch of RT modules as well that should be installed too - did you download the included ones from the downloads page?
> --
> Dan Horning
> American Digital Services - Where you are only limited by imagination.
> dan.horning at ::
> 1-518-444-0213 x502 . toll free 1-800-863-3854 . fax 1-888-474-6133
> PO Box 746, Troy, NY 12181
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Helvécio da Silva" <helvecio.rj at>
>> To: "NYPHP SIG: Joomla" <joomla at>
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 5:36:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [joomla] RocketTheme: use it with moderation
>> Hi Dan
>> I see your point.
>> The problem is presenting a product with a misleading display.
>> In this specific template, there's a position with a Latest News
>> header, titles, intros and images.
>> I know Joomla for a while and I know it uses a module mod_latestnews,
>> usually named Latest News, that displays the title of articles only.
>> I saw that and wondered: how did they do that? Could it be another
>> module? Or is it the intro text in the main component? Later I find
>> it's an article. The only one published on the frontpage. And it is
>> like a placeholder article, where they hard coded intros from other
>> articles. OK. Not the easiest solution from my point of view, but...
>> Then, while looking for another answer on how to replicate what the
>> demo site displays, I came across an answer from one of the RT Team
>> claiming things are as they are and that we used to TRY to K2 to
>> replicate it! This doesn't make sense to me and I felt like they don't
>> care for their customers.
>> I went the obvious way: I had the intros display on the frontpage only
>> with a CSS formatting that does the job. Not quite the same, but it's
>> looking good on the site.
>> For me, this template misled me to think they were using Joomla basics
>> to make things happen. Actually, it was not for real or dynamically
>> created. It was just a fake article that looked good.
>> I don't understand why they tried to reinvent the wheel and came up
>> with a square object and think it's all OK.
>> Am I being too grumpy here? LOL
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Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at -

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