[joomla] User profiles

Gary Mort garyamort at
Mon Sep 5 10:03:56 EDT 2011

On 9/5/2011 10:00 AM, Chris French wrote:
> One suggestion,
> If your using 1.5 is using k2. Out of the box you get user 
> registration and extra fields. I have extended that really easy.
> You can extend the k2 reg and profiles with plugins or just hack the 
> k2 core. And templating is easy

Yeah, I inherited a website that did that.  And due to how the client 
approached the project, I further extended it.  But it's a royal mess of 
code AND K2 is not upgradable anymore.

I'd love to migrate them to 1.7 and a simpler process than have them 
keep asking me for minor, fiddly changes.

I'd also prefer to get them onto a "component" rather than just custom 
code it myself.

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