[joomla] having major issues with hacking and restoring

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Fri Oct 19 16:04:59 EDT 2012

As someone who has yet to be hacked (knock on wood), I'd like to ask the
group - what is best practice to prevent this sort of thing?

   - I already have Akeeba Backup and Admin Tools installed
   - I run backups on a daily (DB) and weekly (whole site / server) basis,
   and store them offsite.
   - I've used Admin Tools to secure the ID of the default Admin / Super
   User account.
   - All of my extensions are up to date, and none are on the Vulnrable
   Extensions list.

I've seen a few anti-hacking tools on the JED - are they needed?  Is there
something else I should be installing, or a specific option I should use
when configuring my Joomla sites?

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