PHP can't access files (but TCL can!!!)

Phil Powell soazine at
Sat May 11 17:52:31 EDT 2002

TCL 1, PHP 0

Ok, I am frustrated.. here is my code and this portion has to be done in
PHP.  I have a frame that can only be accessed if 1 of 2 things occur:

1) if $HTTP_REFERER has a specific value
2) if your nickname passed in the query string is found in the existing
nicknames.txt file found in /chat/nicknames.txt

Here is the code:

 // Security measure to prevent bookmarking of page unless nickname exists
in nicknames.txt
 $contents = "";
 if (!preg_match("/\\bchat_process_nickname\\b/i", $HTTP_REFERER)) {
  $canAccessChatroom = 1;
  if (strlen($nickname) < 2) $canAccessChatroom = 0;
  if (!file_exists($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/chat/nicknames.txt"))
$canAccessChatroom = 0;
  if ($canAccessChatroom == 1) {
   $fileID = fopen($DOCUMENT_ROOT. "/chat/nicknames.txt", r) or die ("could
not open file");
   if (!$fileID) {
    $canAccessChatroom = 0;
   } else {
    $contents = fread($fileID);
  if ($canAccessChatroom == 1 && strlen($contents) == 0) $canAccessChatroom
= 0;
  if ($canAccessChatroom == 1 && !preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+/",
$contents)) $canAccessChatroom == 0;
  if ($canAccessChatroom == 1) {
   if (!preg_match("/\\b$nickname\\b/i", $contents)) $canAccessChatroom == 0;
  if ($canAccessChatroom == 0) {
   echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content='1;URL=http://" . $SERVER_NAME .
   echo "<script>\
  location.href='http://" . $SERVER_NAME .

No matter what I do, however, the file cannot be accessed if it exists and
causes damage galore.  Can anyone out there help me figure out what I did
wrong; I'm completely stumped and may have to rewrite this portion of the
chatroom in TCL, all of my TCL scripts have had NO problems whatsoever
accessing the txt files.


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