[nycphp-talk] phpcon-ny

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Nov 12 17:46:31 EST 2002


Pleasure making your acquaintance.

> > Bryan Richard wrote:
> > 
> > >/begin plug
> > >
> > >And, as PHPCon will be in New York in the Spring, if anyone has
> > >any questions on the conference, I would be more than happy to
> > >answer them.
> > >I know I certainly have a few for this group. ;-)

By all means; that's what we do  :)

> Last week in April is the current target. 
> We should be able to establish a final date in the coming weeks but
> we are running the hotel availability gauntlet at the moment. 
> We are still in the planning stages, which I would very much like
> NYPHP to be a part of, but I am working from the idea of a three-day
> event:
> 1 day of tutorials and 2 days of sessions/keynotes.

This sounds like it'll be a rich conference and I'm sure many of us
here are looking forward to it.

Short of speaking for everyone in NYPHP, many of us would like to be
involved with the planning and development of PHP-Con.  Although we
will not be having a November or December meeting because of Holiday
conflicts, a holiday networking party in December is being developed,
with additional meetings not out of the question.  Our normative
monthly meeting schedule will resume in January.

Congratulations on a successful PHP-Con, and together we look forward
to bringing it to NY.


Hans Zaunere
New York PHP
hans at

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