[nycphp-talk] PHP project from Hell Story

Lee Semel lsemel at
Mon Aug 25 10:20:08 EDT 2003

I had a guy whose website I had developed.  His office's DSL connection went down for a few days, causing his e-mail box was filling up with emails and spam, and it started bouncing emails.   He expected me to go into his email box and manually delete all the spam for him, and he refused to pay $10/month more to the ISP for a larger email box, because it was a "waste of money".
Needless to say I fired him as a client.

Aaron Fischer <agfische at> wrote:
There's also Macromedia Contribute CMS which is $99 and I've heard good 
reviews although haven't had a chance to use yet.

I've got client from hell stories as well, but yours is a keeper! Feel 
your pain...


On Friday, Aug 22, 2003, at 15:19 US/Eastern, Phil Powell wrote:

> Considering he removed me from the project, deleted all the files and
> everything else, I couldn't give a rat's arse what he does at this 
> point,
> but that's good to know for the future.
> I just wanted to know if I were the only one on earth that gets 
> clients from
> Hell.
> Phil

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