[nycphp-talk] PHP bulletin board, a new order, suggestions?

jon baer jonbaer at
Fri Dec 5 21:26:18 EST 2003

Well ... Ive recently modded phpBB (which despite the contrary) to accept "forum subscriptions" which takes the place of a mailing list.  Ive notice that *no* board does this which I found suprising.  Basically on the profile Ive added subscriptions:

[  ] Forum Name

In which its more or less like "Notify me of replies in this forum/category" (vs. thread) ... then in the email have a reply link back to the board ... 

The other pretty neat feature is using the bad words regex replacements to cross link into your FAQ or a glossary for defining words.  (or anything to help newbies without getting more intermediate/advance users frustrated in broad topics/forums) ...

I find all php boards code crap - but either one once you have a know of what each part does u can really just run + go with it ... the security mess is all over the place i think, its not something that just pertains to that app ...

- jon
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: invisiblemute 
  To: shiflett at ; NYPHP Talk 
  Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 7:19 PM
  Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP bulletin board, a new order, suggestions?

  > From: Chris Shiflett <shiflett at> 
  > --- invisiblemute wrote: 
  > > Sorry if I missed the beginning of this conversation (just joined), 
  > > but does phpBB have serious problems, limitations or security holes 
  > > that I'm not aware of? 
  > It's slow, the code is a mess, and it is a frequent visitor of Dan's 
  > Security Focus PHP vulnerability updates. 
  > It looks good, though. :-) 
  > Chris 

  Crap! After hunting high and low that's what I went with for a recent project. I agree, it does look really nice and skins very easily. 

  I'm surprised I haven't seen a product that functions like YahooGroups. Bulletin boards are nice but I think it 's a fabulous idea to mesh with listserv like behavior. Has anyone come across something like this? Or better yet is there a solution that would seemlessly integrate with a product like EZMLM (I know I'm hoping for a lot here). Thanks. 



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