[nycphp-talk] AOL, sessions

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Oct 23 19:13:22 EDT 2003

Jeff Siegel wrote:

> Here's the situation. On my client's website, a user fills out several
> forms. Values get passed from form to form. Before the final submission
> of all of the data, it all gets "cleansed" by a number of data
> validation routines. All this is working fine. After submitting all of
> the data, it all gets dumped into session variables (i.e., the post
> variables get dumped into the session variables) and the "Thank You"
> page takes the session vars and performs various functions. Again, all
> of this is working correctly.
> When going from the final page to the "Thank You" I use the following:
> header("Location:$http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/used_auto_parts_request
> /used_auto_parts_request_thanks.php?code=" . session_id());
> The "Thank You" page grabs the session ID and then performs its stuff.
> This works quite nicely *UNLESS*, it seems, someone is using AOL and
> it's built-in browser. Not every AOL user has a problem but some do.
> It's not obvious how to even troubleshoot this (of course...I don't have
> AOL so it's hard to test it). The only info I could get was that the
> user has AOL 7.0 which should have IE 5.5.  
> Any clues/hints are greatly appreciated. Is something being overlooked?

I frankly have no idea except the obvious, and a troubleshooting tip:

-- that's a space right before the http:// instead of a $ right?

-- maybe something like:  trigger_error("{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} => '.session_id());

assuming you're logging to a file; just to see that the crucial info is being generated properly.

Also I know AOL uses proxy servers up the waazoo; perhaps they are incorrectly caching pages, and the redirect isn't getting through properly?


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