[nycphp-talk] more queries, or bigger in-memory data structure ?

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Thu Sep 18 16:44:14 EDT 2003

Hey David:

On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 03:34:11PM -0400, David Mintz wrote:
> So even if I
> could figure out the LEFT JOIN syntax to left-join multiple tables in this
> way, if such is possible, it still wouldn't give me what I want.

With clever looping and comparisons, I bet you could get what you want 
with one query.

For exapmle, I've made some calendars where the items are ORDER BY
EventDate, StartTime.  I then loop through the results.  Before starting,
a variable named $LastDate is set to the date of the first record and a
date header is printed out.  While looping through, before displaying each
record, the $LastDate is compared to the current event date.  Once the 
dates are different, then the next date header is printed.

See to see what I mean.

Similarly, you can use this principle to handle multiple sub-items.  Like, 
printing the Interpreter and Defendants only when the name changes.

Am I writing this clearly?


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