[nycphp-talk] [ot] Anyone think the Cisco/TCP thing is goingaround?

jon baer jonbaer at
Fri Apr 23 13:16:52 EDT 2004

>  Wait 'til you get a defective modem with them.
>  My experience was it took what seemed like an eternity
>  of pleading with the support personnel to 'take my word for it'
>  that the modem's dead. They wanted to exhaustively try falling back
>  to different device drivers.

I love it when you are actually on the phone with them and they go through
the *SAME EXACT* faq/directories/help files that they have online which you
have gone through 10 times to find the problem and they tell you "hold on i
just need to pull up this screen" ... that always makes me laugh ...

- Jon

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