[nycphp-talk] Regular Expressions Helper available (alpha ver)

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Sat Apr 24 10:44:46 EDT 2004

Hello all,

for those of you who were kind enough to take a look at my last regular 
expressions related question, I thought might share this link:

It is simple (quickly / badly written) script that enabled you to 
quickly test whether a (POSIX /ereg() ) regular expression matches a 
snippet of text.

I will add support for Perl-style ones soon, add a whole sampling of 
built-in expressions for testing (including email address validation, 
phone number validation, etc).

I will also clean up the code for the future versions since this was 
quickly thrown together out of the need to learn regexes.

This might be useful to others, so I thought I would share it here.

Best Regards,

- Jay

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