[nycphp-talk] Site Quote

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Wed Aug 11 13:27:14 EDT 2004

 > Some other (unwarranted) advice is to try not to make cost 
> the focus of the conversation, highlight the results you can 
> provide.  Most clients are excited about their project, that 
> enthusiasms is great to work with. 

I absolutely agree.  I tend to aim high and make the price very matter of
fact, ensuring phenomenal service and great work.  Also, double your time is
a minimum.  Expect problems with the host, meetings, miscommunication, sick
days, and anything else that could possibly halt the project for days on
end.  And don't let the blank stare scare you.  When they give you a 'more
reasonable' number, give them that same look, even more prolonged.  When
they lose confidence, cut some functionality and meet them in the middle.

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