[nycphp-talk] Site Quote

Joel De Gan joel at
Wed Aug 11 14:09:16 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 17:18, Ajai Khattri wrote:
> My personal opinion is that we have been going through a technology 
> "backlash" for the past 3 years. All those Web wannabe's overcharged in 
> the 90s and the pebdulum has swung to the other extreme. People simply 
> do not want to pay New York prices for contracting work (that is, if you 
> can find any contracting work at all in the first place). Its all very 
> depressing. Makes you want to just quit and go work on a farm.

The issue I was addressing was the clients who want the equivalent of for under $5,000 ... and if you have not run across one of
these, you have been under a rock.

Prices quoted were for business contracts, not little mom and pop shops
(which don't pay anything and have a tendency to think the kid down the
road could do it anyway).

I have done the majority of my work for corporations. Bothering with a
site under 5k is usually a complete waste of time. 

Don't work cheap people, they think you are cheap.

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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