[nycphp-talk] Site Quote Paranoia

Jose Villegas jv_nyphp at
Wed Aug 11 16:25:51 EDT 2004

What about saying "I charge x for y". If I can put this on my website, 
is it any different than telling people on a mailing list? Membership 
on this list isn't restricted, so if a customer were curious, they 
could always sign up and see what developers are talking about. 
Similarly, a customer can write me and ask, "how much do you charge for 
y?" How different is this if I go on this list and ask, "How much do 
you all charge for y?" After all, we are all each other's potential 


On Aug 11, 2004, at 3:49 PM, David Mintz wrote:

> Following up about the paranoia:
> I'm basing my caveat on things I observed in the translation and
> interpreting industry in the 1990s. Some translator/interpreter
> organizations like ATA (  and AIIC ( and NAJIT
> ( were given various degrees of grief by the FTC for 
> publishing
> stuff about how to price things. It's wise to be careful about saying
> things like charge more or charge less for x or y.
> (But, again, if you're say Archer Daniels Midland and you fix prices 
> and
> screw consumers big time on purpose, you'll get at worst a paltry
> $300,000,000 fine, or thereabouts.)
> ---
> David Mintz
>         "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17
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> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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