[nycphp-talk] Re: linux desktop (wuz: TA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in MicrosoftInternet Explorer)

Matthew Terenzio webmaster at
Wed Feb 4 16:50:53 EST 2004

> You may want to check out OS X if you want the power of unix and the 
> looks of Windows
Power of Unix yes, looks of Windows, very very loosely, and in fact its 
the other way around. And it seems much richer to me.

On Feb 4, 2004, at 5:19 AM, leam wrote:

> Mark Armendariz wrote:
>>> ... then again im sure we all use linux and have nothing to fear to 
>>> begin with :-)
>> Speaking of which, how many of you use linux as your primary desktop? 
>>  Now
>> that I don't do much design, it's more and more tempting every day, 
>> but I
>> still feel I'll suffer some windows withdrawal... Outlook and 
>> photoshop for
>> instance.
> I do, but I'm fairly non-graphically inclined. You may want to check 
> out OS X if you want the power of unix and the looks of Windows. My 
> wife switched over and she likes it.
> ciao!
> leam
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