[nycphp-talk] integrated toolkit

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Mon Jan 12 15:49:09 EST 2004

> The closest I've seen is the CMS's like PHPNuke and they don't seem to
> have the breadth of these other systems.
I doubt there is anything a good open source php progect that can be
compared to Zope. PHPNuke is a content magement software its by no means
a toolkit or framework of reusalbe components and by no means comes
close to being compared to something like Zope. 

There is plenty of php frameworks that are aimed to help speed the
process of creating applications. Take a look at this page
to get you started

There is also just class libraries that are there to help you spead up
creating coding like PEAR. 

I could even say that PHP itself id designed for rapid development of
web applications.

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