[nycphp-talk] need urgent help with MySQL indexing problem

Phil Powell phillip.powell at
Wed Mar 17 13:18:10 EST 2004

Daniel Convissor wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:58:28PM -0500, Phil Powell wrote:
>>Here is line 1135:
>>[PHP]$result = mysql_query($this->query, $this->dbcnx) or 
>>It is found here in this class method:
>What you just posted has nothing to do with the reason you're gobbling up
>all of the memory.  But why am I not surprised.
>... I deleted the text from prior posts.  You DO know there's a DELETE key
>on your keyboard, right?  Select the old text then hit that key.  Good
>luck! ...
I think you honestly enjoy this, Dan.  It's your superior-intellect form 
of lowly entertainment to stomp on me when I am having serious problems 
with what you know since birth.  Can't you, just for once, try to HELP 
or at least be respectful of those who only know 0.01% of what you know?


Phil Powell
Web Developer
  ADNET Systems, Inc.
  11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 403
  Reston, VA  20190-5203
Phone: (703) 709-7218 x107   Cell: (571) 437-4430   FAX: (703) 709-7219
EMail:  Phillip.Powell at      AOL IM: SOA Dude

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