[nycphp-talk] using PHP for an offline / CD-ROM presentation

corey szopinski corey at
Wed May 26 11:46:56 EDT 2004


Have you considered using Flash or Director? Flash, in particular, has some
very nice classes for working with XML data. I bet you can do everything you
wanted to with PHP with Flash instead. You can either embed the Flash file
in an HTML container to run in a browser, or output it as a projector for
Mac/Window (not sure about Linux). Actionscript is a very nice language to
work with, and with the new data components in Flash 7, the display and
parsing of data (XML, flatfile, or from a database) couldn¹t be easier.


On 5/26/04 11:21 AM, "Mitch Pirtle" <mitchy at> wrote:

> Jayesh Sheth wrote:
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > I have done some research on the topic of using PHP to power a
>> > CD-based presentation/data retrieval program; I have not come up with
>> > any good answers yet (on how best to utilize PHP for this purpose). I
>> > thought that the smart people on this list might have insight into
>> > this issue.
>> >
>> > The problem is as follows:
>> > I would like to create a program that pop-ups when a user inserts a CD
>> > into their computer. This program will let the user enter the product
>> > code of Company A or Company B and it, in turn, will display the
>> > corresponding code for the same product manufactured by Company C.
>> > (This project would be for Company C.) When the code for the product
>> > by Company C is shown, corresponding details such as product image and
>> > specifications should also be available.
> I have done this in the past, but only used JavaScript and flatfiles for
> data.  This was the CD version of a LAMP site (ironically for Microsoft)
> and I just didn't have time to look for any other options.  It was ugly,
> I hated doing it, but it worked.  Now that there are more options for a
> richer 'client experience', I'm very interested in the choices that you
> make, as well as the results...
> -- Mitch
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Corey Szopinski
Technology Director
corey at
70 Washington St. Suite 710
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718.797.4470  x116 

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