[nycphp-talk] simplexml, gentoo emerge

chris feldmann cfeldmann at
Wed Oct 20 02:44:50 EDT 2004

Kinda offtopic? Maybe. I'm trying to compile 5.0.2 using gentoo's
portage (which I am learning about this week: crash course). Anyway,
if I understand things, instead of ./configure options, one sets flags
called USE flags. They generally mirror the ./configure options, but
not one-to-one, and therein lies the rub.There's one called simplexml
(which is either + [yes] or - [no]) but when I look at the simpleXML
documentation on, I find:

The SimpleXML extension is enabled by default. To disable it, use the
--disable-simplexml configure option."

but still, I include simplexml in my flags. but when I run a script
that includes a call to a simplexml function, I get:

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function simplexml_load_file()  in

So it must have been explicitly disabled, but when I make an info.php,
there's no reference whatsoever to simplexml, and indeed the
./configure script (which is logged, of course) doesn't include the
string 'simplexml'.

I guess this actually is offtopic because installation is not really
within the realm of topics discussed herein. Nonetheless, I'm asking
if anyone has some insight here. I am suspecting it's a problem with
gentoo's "ebuild" (as they call them), but maybe someone can save me
from such guesswork.


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