[nycphp-talk] Releasing Code

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Sep 24 22:47:59 EDT 2004

> I'm interesting in releasing code for general consumption. Do people
> have checklists of things they do?

Check, double-check, test - and then put a disclaimer :)

> Specifically, how do you handle licensing? I want to release it under
> the PHP license, version 3.0 (I think.) However, there's lots of odd
> stuff in the licnese about bundling it with PHP that doesn't seem
> relevant. Has anyone navigated this before?

As probably comes as no surprise, I'm a fan of the BSD license.  So, I
simply release everything under the generic BSD license, substituting
names where appropriate.

The discussion of which license is the correct one is obviously a very
long and religious one.  GPL has some advantages, depending on how you
want your code to live in the Internet.  That said, since you probably
own the copyright to the code, you could release it under many different
licenses, depending on purpose of intended use by the EU.

> Also, is the best way to deliver something as a PEAR package? Tarball?
> Both?

Again, I'm biased - just deliver it as a tarball of source files :)

> As you can see, I'm not even sure what are the right questions to ask.

You're not alone...

And you're going to let us know what this code is, right?  :)


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