[nycphp-talk] Releasing Code

Scott Mattocks scott at
Mon Sep 27 09:49:03 EDT 2004

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Sat, 25 Sep 2004, Daniel Convissor wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the many replies. Instead of answering each one,
> I'm going to roll up all my responses into one message.
> 1) The code is a little class that helps make it easy/easier to talk
>    to eBay using SOAP. It mostly aggregates the PEAR::SOAP client, but
>    it also does some SOAP header stuff for authentication.
There will be an official PEAR package soon (probably by the end of the 
week) But you 
probably already know that.

> Is the only thing I need to do to make a package usable with the PEAR
> Package Manger is to include a suitable package.xml file? Can I use
> pear to generate a package even if it's not part of PEAR?

You can use PEAR to generate the xml file and then package everything 
up. It doesn't have to be a part of PEAR for this to work. Take a look 
at That class will 
help you create the xml file. Then all you have to do is run
$ pear package
in the directory that your package.xml file lives.

Then to install it all anyone has to do is run
$ pear install packagename.tar.gz

Scott Mattocks

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