[nycphp-talk] OT: curious router - server interaction problem

leam at leam at
Wed Jan 26 18:27:51 EST 2005

Just as an aside, some small routers won't connect to their own WAN address. So if you are that might be the issue.



On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 04:53:15PM -0500, Michael Southwell wrote:
 > I know this is OT, but I also know that there are lots of smart people 
> here, so.....
> I have a Linksys wireless-B router that works perfectly except that I can't 
> even ping  If I bypass the router and go directly to the cable 
> box, no problem; if I (ahem) borrow my neighbor's wireless-G, again no 
> problem.  DNS information is correct.  Both Linksys and Optonline are 
> baffled.  I would appreciate it if others with a moment of spare time, 
> curiosity about this odd problem, and the same router, Linksys wireless-B, 
> specifically BEFW11S4 (which by the way has the latest firmware), could try 
> pinging and report to me OFFLIST what happens.  If you can connect, you 
> might try which is what I'm trying to work 
> on.  If anyone else with different equipment has any anomalous result (I am 
> expecting everybody else to have no problem), I'd appreciate hearing about 
> that also.
> Thanks in advance, and once again I apologize for this OT message.
> Michael Southwell
> VP, Education Department
> New York PHP
> michael.southwell at

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