[nycphp-talk] MySQL error log?

chucksmith at chucksmith at
Tue Jul 26 13:06:43 EDT 2005

I thought that by setting up the PHP error log, it would also send MySQL errors
there.  However, MySQL errors still appear on the screen.  Is there any way to
set this up?  I've looked at various websites and tutorials and none of them
seem to be of help.

I'm programming the IPN (Instant Payment Notification) for Paypal, so Paypal is
calling our php page directly and so I cannot see what errors are happening
there.  I see documentation on the MySQL error log, but it seems to only give
information about when the server crashes.  It says that this error file should
be at 'hostname'.err, but when I search for it, nothing appears.  Any idea what
could be wrong or how I could set up MySQL error logging?  Is there a file
similar to php.ini for MySQL?


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