[nycphp-talk] Pitching PHP to a Java House

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Thu Jun 9 09:15:42 EDT 2005

I think one of the answer avenues here is that for raw competitive purposes,
the single developer/small shop should deliver PHP and JAVA 
and be able to handle the maximum diversity of the client's needs. 
>From my experiences in corporate environments with competing technologies
setting in, the most successful shop/developer/IT manager 
in the mix has a handle on the broadest array of technologies at play and
manages and delivers the thoroughbred mix.
The corp will/must go where it needs and the emps typically need to ratchet
to match. 
I feel independent work works out best when one really focuses gangbusters
on what one does best and delivers it in spades and fast. When the client
doesn't want your stuff, you leave your portfolio/card and you must nail the
next client that wants your stuff now.
I think PHP would benefit most from making/delivering compatibility
extensions/strategies that embrace (I mean, just swallow up) what JAVA puts
And then PHP moves on, shoulder to shoulder with JAVA taking all it can give
and sucking up more marketplace nonetheless.
So that in theory the discussion becomes more how do we get our JAVA to
maximize its integration with PHP which is just obviously such 
an incredible monster everywhere product.
Of course, I have not yet jumped on the continuing JAVA up tick myself. But
I think if I add a new technology to my personal portfolio (and I want to
keep my technologies very portable and very web related), JAVA would be
Warmest regards,
Peter Sawczynec
Technology Director
 <mailto:ps at> ps at

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Mark Armendariz
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 11:38 PM
To: 'NYPHP Talk'
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Pitching PHP to a Java House

Anyone here ever pitch PHP to a Java house?


I have a fairly large client who's interest may be waning due to their
current Java setup.  They are listening, but not necessarily intently.  I've
been doing my reading, but my time is very short.  I'm finding a lot about
scalability, but for the most part, the articles are short and the
discussions are generally
my-language-can-kick-your-language's-ass-cuz-I-said-so, and
you're-all-children-use-C-or-perl.  I need to get off the playground and
actually prove to this client that php is a viable option.


Current site is running Struts, using customs Java for model and controller
and JSP for the view

F5 Labs Big IP load balancer

8 Machines running Apache 2 in worker MPM mode (which I've read that PHP
doesn't quite love)

Resin 2.1

Oracle 9i db


A good friend mentioned that he usually argues that the development time is
preferable with PHP. Anyone here have resources to share or a good general
direction to walk in with this argument?





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